I'm Jiming Li, a software engineer with 5+ years of Unity3D and XR developing experience.
With great passion in emerging technology and metaverse architecturing, I gained my interdisciplinary background in Computer Science, UX design, media processing, and game design at Carnegie Mellon University.
I consider myself a passionate, creative and conscientious experience developer.
During my undergraduate major, I gained programming experience through developing cross-platform applications for multi-media processing.
After joining ETC at CMU, I committed to developing immersive and emerging experience in Unity for years, which has enlightened my career target as a XR researcher & developer.
With the creation, nuanced observation ability​, I am also a UX designer sensitive to user demands.
I consider it as a designer's responsibility to design creatures combining creativity and rationality.
Observing pain points, focusing on users' inconveniences and designing tools to solve predicaments can make the world a better place.
I am also adept in discovering subtleties in everyday life, presenting stories through camera language and arouse emotion in the audience.
I regard the film as a more immersive media to experience the emotions that the producer wants to convey.
With a resonating script, pithy plot and meticulously designed shot list, short films are undoubtedly exquisite artworks.
· Overwatch
· Chinese
· The Matrix
· Elysian
Still working ...